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The University of Jordan (UJ) was awarded the WTO Chair programme along with other thirteen Universities in a highly competitive process. This award is an acknowledgement of the competence and commitment of the UJ ‘s academics. It is also an encouragement to researchers and students to take an interest in WTO and multilateral trade matters, a cornerstone of international global governance.

The WTO will provide financial support to UJ, amounting to CHF 50,000 annually, for a period of four years to facilitate continuous interaction between the University and other think-tanks around the world. It aims at supporting UJ and associated individual scholars in course preparation, teaching, and research and outreach activities. This programme is part of the technical assistance and training programme that the WTO delivers, with a view to enhancing the quality and level of participation of developing countries in the multilateral trading system.



News & Events

2/8/2011Launching Ceremony of WCP at the University of Jordan
2/2/2011WCP Launching Ceremony
5/17/2011Call for Research Proposal 2011
1/9/2011Abstracts of the first round WCP's research activity
12/15/2011Seminar on Financial Crises and International Exchange Rate Arrangements
1/16/2012Best Student Paper Awards
4/19/2012Call for Research Proposals 2012Call for Research Proposal 2012
4/22/2012Call for Paper International conference on: Trade Policies and Sustainable Development in Arab Countries
4/1/2012WTO Chair –University of Jordan , Master Scholarship
4/22/2012المؤتمر الدولي حول:" السياسات التجارية الدولية والتنمية المستدامة في المنطقة العربية"
12/5/2012السياسات التجارية والتنمية المستدامة في المنطقة العربية
12/5/2012"Trade Policies and Sustainable Development in the Arab Countries"
12/23/2012 البيان الختامي لندوة "ابعاد تحرير أسعار المشتقات النفطية في الأردن"
3/3/2013تعلن الجامعة الاردنية-برنامج كرسي منظمة التجارة العالمية عن طرح منحة دراسية
3/6/2013اعلان هام لطلبة الدكتوراه والماجستير في كلية الاعمال
3/6/2013اعلان هام لطلبة كلية الاعمال
3/6/2013اعلان اخر موعد للتقديم لمنحة الماجستير
5/7/2013Call for Papers First international Conference on: Understanding Global Business Environment:Its Economic, Financial, Accounting, Marketing, and IT Dimensions
5/7/2013New Diploma Program in Export and Import Management
5/8/2013New books and references specialized in international economics and WTO related issues have been added to the library of WTO Chair at the Faculty of Business-University of Jordan
5/5/2013WTO Chair Program / University of Jordan approved financial Support for research proposals for the third research round of 2012
5/1/2013WTO Chair Office at the University of Jordan issued a new book titled "Trade Policies and Sustainable Development in the Arab Countries"
5/8/2013A new course for graduate students in the Faculties of Law and Business, titled "Law of the World Trade Organization “is developed
5/26/2013University of Jordan -WTO Chair Research Grant 2013 Call for Research Proposal
9/18/2013WTO Chair Program/university of jordan fund research
12/3/2013تعلن الجامعة الأردنية عن المباشرة في استقبال طلبات القبول في برنامج الدبلوم المهني في التصدير والاستيراد
12/3/2013The University of Jordan starts receiving applications for admission
12/3/2013" المؤتمر الدولي الاول "فهم بيئة الاعمال بأبعادها الاقتصادية والمالية والإدارية والتسويقية والمعلوماتية
12/5/2013حفل اطلاق التقرير السنوي للاقتصاد المعرفي 2013 والذي يتناول محور "الحوسبة السحابية"
12/5/2013بالتعاون مع كرسي منظمة التجارة العالمية- كلية الاعمال,تنظم كلية الحقوق في الجامعة الاردنية محاضرة بعنوان:" التحكيم في منازعات الاستثمار بين الدول و المستثمرين" يلقيها الخبير الدولي البروفيسور ارمند دمترال
12/5/2013In cooperation with the WTO Chair Program, the faculty of law of university of Jordan organizes a lecture on" investor-state arbitration" to be given by Professor Armand de Mestral on
12/9/2013UNCTAD Information Economy Report 2013" launched at UJ
1/19/2014Two undergraduate student research paper were awarded
7/1/2014WTO Office – University of Jordan, Issued Proceeding Book of the International Conference
7/1/2014مكتب منظمة التجارة العالمية/الجامعة الأردنية يصدر كتاباً يحتوي على الدراسات المشاركة في المؤتمر الدولي" فهم بيئة الأعمال الدولية بأبعادها الاقتصادية , والمحاسبية, والمالية, والتسويقية,
7/1/2014دعم و مشاركة بأوراق علمية في المؤتمر الدولي "معضلة الأعمال, المعايير البيئية والأخلاقية, ومتطلبات الأداء"
3/5/2015Undergraduate Student Research Paper was Awarded
3/26/2015حفل اطلاق التقرير السنوي للاقتصاد المعرفي2015 والذي يتناول محور " التجارة الالكترونية ودورها في الدول النامية "
5/4/2015دعم ومشاركة بأوراق علمية في المؤتمر الدولي الثالث في كلية الاعمال
5/4/2015Support and participation in scientific papers in the international Conference
5/4/2015تجديد دعم منظمة التجارة العالمية لبرنامج كرسي منظمة التجارة العالمية
5/4/2015The WTO Chair Programme has successfully being selected to receive a grant from WTO In light of the partnership agreement between the University of Jordan and the WTO
5/4/2015اعلان هام لطلبة كلية الاعمال
5/4/2015Important Announcement For the students of the Faculty of Business
5/11/2015اعلان هام لطلبة الماجستير والدكتوراه في كلية الاعمال
5/11/2015Important Announcement
9/29/2015The Fifth Conference on "Trade Facilitation in the Arab Region"
10/5/2015The WTO Chair Program at the School of Business –Jordan University organizes a lecture on:"Economic Statistics of Global Value Chins and their Relevance for Trade and Development Policy "
11/3/2015The WCP's 5th Conference on"Trade Facilitation in the Arab Region"
1/24/2016WTO Chair Office at the University of Jordan issued Volume 1 of all Research Papers Funded by WTO Chair Program atthe University of Jordan- Faculty of Business during2010-2013
3/8/2016PHD' Students Awards
5/26/2016WTO Chair Program / University of Jordan
9/27/2016The University of Jordan -WTO Chair Research Grant 2016-2017
9/27/2016اعلان هام لطلبة البكالوريوس في كلية الاعمال/الجامعة الاردنية
9/27/2016 Important Announcement For the BA's students of the School of Business
9/27/2016اعلان هام لطلبة الدكتوراه والماجستير في كلية الأعمال/الجامعة الاردنية
9/27/2016Important AnnouncementFor Doctoral and Master's Students in the School ofBusiness/University of Jordan
11/23/2016تجديد اتفاقية برنامج كرسي منظمة التجارة العالمية للعام القادم 2016/2017
11/23/2016The renewal of WTO chair program agreement for the next year 2016/2017
3/27/2017 Dr. Nahil Saqfalhait Associate Professor at UJ and member of WTO Chair Program Steering Committee has published new research on:"Trade Facilitation in the Arab Region"
3/27/2017 Professor Taleb Awad WTO Chair Holder at UJ and Dr.Hetham Abu Karky Assistant Professor at Petra University have published new research on:"Non-tariff Barriers Restricting Arab Trade in Light of WTO and GAFTA Agreements"
3/29/2017Call for Papers The Sixth International Conference on:" Trade and Inclusive Economic Growth"15-16 October 2017, University of Jordan Amman- JordanOrganized by WTO Chair Programme -School of Business - University of Jordan
8/10/2017برنامج كرسي منظمة التجارة العالمية في الجامعة الأردنية يعلن عن ورشة عمل تنظمها منظمة التجارة العالمية حول:
8/10/2017WCP at the University of Jordan Announces the WTO's Workshop on:
8/10/2017تعديل موعد انعقاد المؤتمر الدولي السادس
12/3/2017The conference and the workshop on:
3/3/2019Seminar on:Free Trade Agreements and Intra Regional Trade Flows
4/16/2019Closing Statement of the Seminar titled "Free Trade Agreements and Regional Trade Flows"
9/27/2020WTO Office – University of Jordan, Issued Proceeding Book of the Sixth International Conference
9/6/2021 قام برنامج كرسي منظمة التجارة العالمية بدعم الكتاب المعنون : خارطة التجارة الدولية (Trade Map)
9/21/2021New WTO grant to University of Jordan Chair Program
9/29/2021Trade and Gender Gap (equality) in Jordan
10/17/2021UJ-WTO-Chair Webinar: Trade and Gender- “How Can the International Trade Policies Empower Women andPromote Gender Equality”
5/27/2022Webinar on : Trade and Gender- “How Can the International Trade Policies Empower Women andPromote Gender Equality”
11/25/2021اعلان مسابقة بحثية لطلبة الدراسات العليا تخصصي الاقتصاد و دراسات المرأة في جميع جامعات المملكة
4/5/2022The Seventh International Conference on:
11/8/2022International Conference of the School of Business Kicked off at UJ
11/13/2022Closing Speech at the Seventh International Conference: Contemporary: A Development Lens 2022
2/21/2023Policy Brief on The Gender Gap in Jordan WCP-The University of Jordan

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