WTO Chair –University of Jordan , Master Scholarship

The WTO Chair at the University of Jordan-Amman announce the availability of Master scholarship  starting the academic year 2012-2013 to study in one of the graduate programmes at Faculty of Business in the University of Jordan. The scholarship covers the tuition fee for a maximum of two years; in addition the selected student have the opportunity to work as part time research assistant for the department of Business Economics in exchange for nominal salary . The candidate should meet the following conditions:

Jordanian nationality

A minimum of very good average in BA

Meet the UJ’s admission requirements in one of the following Master Programmes: Economics, International Business, Finance and Competition and Regulation.

Should choose a research topic for his theses related to international economics, finance and WTO issues: the following topics are only examples:

Intellectual Property Rights; Trade in Natural Resources; Trade and Climate Change; Trade and Food Safety; Special and Differential Treatment; trade and development, FDI and development, trade and poverty, the impact of GATS on Jordan etc.
