| | | 2/8/2011 | The WCP-UJ ceremony will be held on February 8th, 2011; 12:00 noon at the great theater, Faculty of Business, the University of Jordan. |
| | | 2/2/2011 | The WTO-UJ Chair launching that was scheduled for February 8th 2011 is postponed until further notice, a new date will be announce later. |
| | | 5/17/2011 | The WTO Chair at the University of Jordan (UJ) opens a call for Research Proposal for the University of Jordan WTO Chair Awards, 2011 Edition.
2-Research Proposal Application |
| | | 1/9/2011 |
Abstracts of:
First round of funded faculty members’s research projects
| | | 12/15/2011 |
The University of Jordan - Faculty of Business Administration organized a Seminar on financial crises and international exchange rate arrangements on Thursday November 15, 2011. The seminar was one of the academic activity conducted at UJ under the umbrella and support of the WTO-Chair program and with coordination with UNCTAD’s Virtual Institute. The University of Jordan is a founding member in both the UNCTAD’s Virtual Institute and the WTO –Chair Programme. Under this programme, the WTO is providing annual financial support to the UJ for a period of four years to facilitate continuous interaction between the University and other national and international think-tanks. It provides financial support to the UJ and associated individual scholars towards their course preparation, teaching, research and outreach activities. This programme is part of the technical assistance and training programme that the WTO delivers, with a view to enhancing the quality and level of participation of developing countries in the multilateral trading system. As part of its research agenda, the WCP-UJ organizes international conferences on WTO-Trade related aspects, encourages and facilitates networking for the Arab researchers, engages in capacity building and also funds research.
The local coordinator of both programmes Prof. Taleb Awad from the Business Economic Department and Director of Economic Observatory at UJ invited UNCTAD ‘s Senior Economists Prof. Mahmoud A.T. Elkhafif , who is the Coordinator of UNCTAD’s Assistance to the Palestinian People and a Senior Economic Affairs Officer in the Division on Globalization and Development Strategies (DGDS). During his visit to the UJ, Dr. Elkhafif participated actively in two academic activities:
1- Seminar on International Financial Crises and the Future of International Exchange Rates Arrangements. The seminar was held under the patronage of the president of the University of Jordan and attended and opened by Professor Bashir Alzohby vice - President for Humanities. Also Prof. Musa Alouzi ; Dean Faculty of Business and professor Taleb Awad WTO-Chair holder made a speech in the opening ceremony. The seminar was also attended by faculty members from Business Economics, Finance, Business Administration, and Public Administration Departments and graduate and undergraduate students from the University of Jordan. Domestic media representatives and key officials from Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Finance, Central Bank, Association of Jordanian Banks and Amman Stock Market were invited.
2- Three hours Lectures for graduate students in both the PhD and Master programs in the Business Economic Department on topics related to international finance and globalization. Graduate students (38 students) from international finance, econometrics and Economic development courses attended the lectures together with Dr. Nahil Saqf Alheit, the department Chair Women and professors teaching the courses. The lectures materials together with relevant UNCTAD/WTO ’s publication were handed to the students to use it as they prepare for final examination.
The two activities were managed and directed by Prof. Taleb Awad ; VI’s coordinator and WTO-Chair holder.
The seminar and graduate lectures highlighted contemporary issues related to macroeconomic policies and financial crises based on last UNCTAD report on trade development including:
The post-crisis policy challenges in the world economy. It concludes that the recovery is slowing down and that the "two-speed recovery" is mainly the result of wide differences in domestic demand. In developing countries strong wage growth and sustained public support have prolonged the recovery in investment and domestic demand whereas in most developed economies private demand is subdued due to stagnating wages and little improvement in employment. The recent shift towards fiscal and monetary tightening represents a major risk for the global economy.
The discussion raised questions such as whether policymakers have drawn the lessons from the global financial and economic crisis. It shows that the widespread enthusiasm about system reform and supportive pro-growth macroeconomic policies when the crisis erupted has not lasted. Financial regulation reforms are progressing slowly and monetary system reform is limited.
Challenging the widespread re-orientation of macroeconomic policy, especially fiscal policy, towards austerity, the Report notes that fiscal imbalances were not a driving factor but a result of the crisis. Thus, fiscal retrenchment is not an appropriate response. Fiscal austerity seeking to cut fiscal deficits, curb public debt and thus "regain the confidence of the financial markets" is likely to be self defeating, as it affects GDP growth and reduces fiscal revenues.
It also addresses the main regulatory reforms that should take place in relation to financial markets. So far, the process of re-regulation of the financial systems has been slow and inadequate to cover the shadow banking system and to cope with a highly concentrated financial sector that is dominated by a small number of gigantic institutions. In general, the financial sector needs to be restructured in order to reduce the risk of mis-pricing and the resulting systemic crises. Reforms should mainly aim a clear separation between the activities of investment and commercial banking.
Financialization of commodity markets based on herd behavior significantly affects the prices of such basic goods as food staples and energy. Speakers proposed measures to increase transparency in physical and derivatives markets, putting in place an internationally coordinated tighter regulation of financial investors, and it was suggested that market surveillance authorities could be mandated to intervene directly.
Finally the two above mentioned activities underlined that the foreign exchange markets are disconnected from macroeconomic fundamentals. This disrupts the functioning of the real economy. Greater stability of the real exchange rate could be achieved by a system of rules-based managed floating. Such a system could be built on the adjustment of nominal exchange rates to inflation differentials or to interest rates differentials. This can be practiced as a unilateral, bilateral or strategy, but the greatest benefit for international financial stability would result if the rules for managed floating were applied at the multilateral level. |
| | | 1/16/2012 |
The University of Jordan-Faculty of Business has launched the Best Paper Awards for UJ students. The fund is devoted for three best papers submitted by students in the area of international economics and WTO related issues. The three prizes came from the WTO-Chair Programme that has been granted to UJ starting the academic year 2010. The prizes schemes were set as follows:
First prize: JD 500 first best paper
Second prize: JD 400 second best paper
Third prize: JD 300 third best paper
The first prize was granted in December 2011, to the student Laith Mahmoud Hassan Khatatbeh for his paper titled “WTO issues and their implications for Jordan and the Arab States”. (In Arabic)
Click Here |
| | | 4/19/2012 | The WTO Chair at the University of Jordan (UJ) opens a call for Research Proposals for the UJ-WTO Chair Awards, 2012 Edition.
| | | 4/22/2012 |
Call for Paper
International conference on:
Trade Policies and Sustainable Development in Arab Countries
26-27 September 2012, University of Jordan
Amman - Jordan
Organized by the University of Jordan - WTO Chair Programme
Click Here
| | | 4/1/2012 |
The WTO Chair at the University of Jordan-Amman announce the availability of Master scholarship starting the academic year 2012-2013 to study in one of the graduate programmes at Faculty of Business in the University of Jordan. The scholarship covers the tuition fee for a maximum of two years; in addition the selected student have the opportunity to work as part time research assistant for the department of Business Economics in exchange for nominal salary . The candidate should meet the following conditions:
Jordanian nationality
A minimum of very good average in BA
Meet the UJ’s admission requirements in one of the following Master Programmes: Economics, International Business, Finance and Competition and Regulation.
Should choose a research topic for his theses related to international economics, finance and WTO issues: the following topics are only examples:
Intellectual Property Rights; Trade in Natural Resources; Trade and Climate Change; Trade and Food Safety; Special and Differential Treatment; trade and development, FDI and development, trade and poverty, the impact of GATS on Jordan etc. |
| | | 4/22/2012 |
المؤتمر الدولي حول:
" السياسات التجارية الدولية والتنمية المستدامة في المنطقة العربية"
26-27 /9/ 2012،
الجامعة الأردنية - عمان، الأردن
الذي تنظمه الجامعة الاردنية /برنامج كرسي منظمة التجارة العالمية
إضغط هنا |
| | | 12/5/2012 |
نظمت الجامعة الاردنية /برنامج كرسي منظمة التجارة العالمية
مؤتمر دولي حول:
" السياسات التجارية والتنمية المستدامة في المنطقة العربية"
بتاريخ26-27 /9/ 2012، الجامعة الأردنية عمان، الأردن
| | | 12/5/2012 | |
| | | 12/23/2012 |
البيان الختامي لندوة "ابعاد تحرير أسعار المشتقات النفطية في الأردن"
المنظمة والمنعقدة في الجامعة الأردنية
بتاريخ الاحد الموافق 23/12/2012
| | | 3/3/2013 |
تعلن الجامعة الاردنية-برنامج كرسي منظمة التجارة العالمية عن طرح منحة دراسية
| | | 3/6/2013 |
اعلان هام لطلبة الدكتوراه والماجستير في كلية الاعمال
| | | 3/6/2013 |
اعلان هام لطلبة كلية الاعمال
| | | 3/6/2013 |
اعلان اخر موعد لمنحة الماجستير
| | | 5/7/2013 |
Call for Papers
First international Conference on:
Understanding Global Business Environment:
Its Economic, Financial, Accounting, Marketing, and IT Dimensions
30-31 October 2013, University of Jordan
Amman- Jordan
Organized by the University of Jordan - Faculty of Business
WTO Chair Programme
click here |
| | | 5/7/2013 |
New Diploma Program in Export and Import Management
Developed by the University of Jordan - Faculty of Business
WTO Chair Program
click here
click here |
| | | 5/8/2013 |
New books and references specialized in international economics and WTO related issues have been added to the library of WTO Chair at the Faculty of Business-University of Jordan
Click here |
| | | 5/5/2013 |
WTO Chair Program / University of Jordan approved financial Support for research proposals for the third research round of 2012
Click here
| | | 5/1/2013 |
WTO Chair Office at the University of Jordan issued a new book titled "Trade Policies and Sustainable Development in the Arab Countries"
Click here |
| | | 5/8/2013 |
A new course for graduate students in the Faculties of Law and Business, titled "Law of the World Trade Organization “is developed
Click here
Click here |
| | | 5/26/2013 |
University of Jordan -WTO Chair Research Grant 2013 Call for Research Proposal
| | | 9/18/2013 | |
| | | 12/3/2013 |
تعلن الجامعة الأردنية عن المباشرة في استقبال طلبات القبول في برنامج الدبلوم المهني في التصدير والاستيراد
click here
لتحميل خطة الدبلوم المهني
click here
click here
| | | 12/3/2013 |
The University of Jordan starts receiving applications for admission in the diploma program in exports and imports
click here
download the Diploma plan
click here
click here
| | | 12/3/2013 |
المؤتمر الدولي الاول
" فهم بيئة الاعمال بأبعادها الاقتصادية والمالية والإدارية والتسويقية والمعلوماتية"
click here
لمشاهدة الصور
| | | 12/5/2013 |
حفل اطلاق التقرير السنوي للاقتصاد المعرفي 2013 والذي يتناول محور "الحوسبة السحابية"
click here
| | | 12/5/2013 |
بالتعاون مع كرسي منظمة التجارة العالمية- كلية الاعمال,تنظم كلية الحقوق في الجامعة الاردنية محاضرة بعنوان:" التحكيم في منازعات الاستثمار بين الدول و المستثمرين" يلقيها الخبير الدولي البروفيسور ارمند دمترال
click here |
| | | 12/5/2013 |
In cooperation with the WTO Chair Program, the faculty of law of university of Jordan organizes a lecture on" investor-state arbitration" to be given by Professor Armand de Mestral on
click here |
| | | 12/9/2013 | UNCTAD Information Economy Report 2013" launched at UJ
| | | 1/19/2014 | |
| | | 7/1/2014 | |
| | | 7/1/2014 | |
| | | 7/1/2014 |
دعم و مشاركة بأوراق علمية في المؤتمر الدولي "معضلة الأعمال, المعايير البيئية والأخلاقية, ومتطلبات الأداء"
| | | 3/5/2015 | |
| | | 3/26/2015 |
حفل اطلاق التقرير السنوي للاقتصاد المعرفي2015 والذي يتناول محور " التجارة الالكترونية ودورها في الدول النامية "
| | | 5/4/2015 |
دعم و مشاركة بأوراق علمية في المؤتمر الدولي
"المؤتمر الدولي الثالث حول اقتصاد التجديد والتطوير"
Click here
| | | 5/4/2015 |
Support and participation in scientific papers in the
"Third International Conference on the innovation of the economy"
Support and participation in scientific papers in the
"Third International Conference on the innovation of the economy"
Click here |
| | | 5/4/2015 |
تجديد دعم منظمة التجارة العالمية لبرنامج كرسي منظمة التجارة العالمية
في ضوء اتفاقية الشراكة بين الجامعة الأردنية ومنظمة التجارة العالمية WTO
انقر هنا |
| | | 5/4/2015 |
The WTO Chair Programme has successfully being selected to receive a grant from WTO In light of the partnership agreement between the University of Jordan and the WTO
Click here |
| | | 5/4/2015 |
تم فتح باب التقدم بمشاريع بحثية حول
"قضايا منظمة التجارة العالمية والاقتصاد الدولي وانعكاساتها على الأردن والدول العربية بشكل عام"
انقر هنا |
| | | 5/4/2015 |
The WTO Chair at the University of Jordan opens a call for Research projects on
"WTO issues and the international economy and its impact on Jordan and the Arab countries in general"
Clich here |
| | | 5/11/2015 |
اعلان هام لطلبة الماجستير والدكتوراه في
كلية الاعمال
| | | 5/11/2015 |
Important Announcement
For doctoral and master's students in the faculty of Business
Click here
| | | 9/29/2015 |
Under the Patronage of Professor Ekhleif Tarawneh
President of the University of Jordan
The Dean of the School of Business
is pleased to invite you to attend the
the opening ceremony of
The Fifth Conference on
"Trade Facilitation in t he Arab Region"
7th October 2015, University of Jordan
Amman- Jordan
Organized by WTO Chair Program - School of Business -
the University of Jordan
For more information
Click here
Click here
| | | 10/5/2015 |
The WTO Chair Program at the School of Business –Jordan University organizes a lecture on:
"Economic Statistics of Global Value Chins and their Relevance for Trade and Development Policy "
Click here
| | | 11/3/2015 | The WCP's 5th Conference on
"Trade Facilitation in the Arab Region"
7th October 2015
Organized by the University of Jordan -WTO Chair Program
Click here
| | | 1/24/2016 |
WTO Chair Office at the University of Jordan issued Volume 1 of all
Research Papers Funded by WTO Chair Program at
the University of Jordan- Faculty of Business during2010-2013
Click here |
| | | 3/8/2016 | |
| | | 5/26/2016 | |
| | | 9/27/2016 |
The University of Jordan -WTO Chair Research Grant 2016-2017
Call for Research Proposals
Click here
| | | 9/27/2016 | اعلان هام لطلبة البكالوريوس في كلية الاعمال/الجامعة الاردنية
Click here
| | | 9/27/2016 | |
| | | 9/27/2016 | اعلان هام لطلبة الدكتوراه والماجستير في كلية الأعمال/الجامعة الاردنية
Click here
| | | 9/27/2016 | |
| | | 11/23/2016 |
تجديد اتفاقية برنامج كرسي منظمة التجارة العالمية للعام القادم 2016/2017
Click here |
| | | 11/23/2016 |
The renewal of WTO chair program agreement for the next year 2016/2017
Click here |
| | | 3/27/2017 |
Dr. Nahil Saqfalhait Associate Professor at UJ and member of WTO Chair Program Steering Committee has published new research on
"Trade Facilitation in the Arab Region"
Click here |
| | | 3/27/2017 |
Professor Taleb Awad WTO Chair Holder at UJ and Dr.Hetham Abu Karky Assistant Professor at Petra University have published new research on:
"Non-tariff Barriers Restricting Arab Trade in Light of WTO and GAFTA Agreements"
Click here
| | | 3/29/2017 |
Call for papers
The Sixth International Conference on:
" Trade and Inclusive Economic Growth"
15-16 October 2017, University of Jordan
Amman- Jordan
Organized by WTO Chair Programme -School of Business - University of Jordan
Click here
| | | 8/10/2017 |
برنامج كرسي منظمة التجارة العالمية في الجامعة الأردنية يعلن عن ورشة عمل تنظمها منظمة التجارة العالمية حول:
"التجارة الدولية والنمو الاقتصادي الشامل"
المكان: كلية الأعمال، المدرج الكبير
الجامعة الأردنية
عمان، الأردن، 18-19 أكتوبر 2017
Click here |
| | | 8/10/2017 |
WCP at the University of Jordan Announces the WTO's Workshop on: TRADE AND INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH
Amman, Jordan, 17-19 October 2017
Click here |
| | | 8/10/2017 |
Call for Papers
The Sixth International Conference on:
" Trade and Inclusive Economic Growth "
17-19 October 2017, University of Jordan
Amman- Jordan
Organized by WTO Chair Programme -School of Business - University of Jordan
Click here |
| | | 12/3/2017 |
The conference and the workshop on:
"Trade and Inclusive Economic Growth"
Click here
| | | 3/3/2019 | Seminar on:
Free Trade Agreements and Intra Regional Trade Flows
Organized by WTO Chair Programme at School of Business
/ University of Jordan
Sponsored by Al-Quds Open University&
Jordan Chamber of Industry
University of Jordan
Amman- Jordan, 25 /3/ 2019
Venue: Great Theater at School of Business / University of Jordan
| | | 4/16/2019 |
The Office of the World Trade Organization Chair at the University of Jordan held a seminar titled "Free Trade Agreements and Regional Trade Flows" at the University of Jordan Business School in collaboration with Al Quds Open University and the Jordan Chamber of Industry
| | | 9/27/2020 |
Referring to "The Sixth International Conference on Trade and Inclusive Economic Growth", which was organized and supported by WTO Chair Program-JU, during the period 18-19/10/2017 the WTO Office – University of Jordan announces the availability of the Conference Proceeding as Pdf book titled:
"The Sixth International Conference on Trade and Inclusive Economic Growth"
Click here |
| | | 9/6/2021 |
قام برنامج كرسي منظمة التجارة العالمية بدعم الكتاب المعنون:
"خارطة التجارة الدولية(Trade Map): تطوير الاعمال وتحليل تنافسية المنتجات والبلدان باستخدام تدفقات التجارة العالمية : دليل المستخدم والاطار التحليلي"
Click here |
| | | 9/21/2021 |
The WTO Chair Program at the University of Jordan has been selected on competitive base to implement Research project entitled:
"International Trade and Gender Gap in Jordan".
According to the new agreement the WTO has agreed to transfer the sum of CHF 11900 as their contribution to the research and outreach activities specified in the project. For the year 2021. |
| | | 9/29/2021 | |
| | | 10/17/2021 | |
| | | 5/27/2022 |
The WTO-Chairs of the University of Jordan, University of Chile, and the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México have jointly organized webinar on Trade and Gender- “How Can the International Trade Policies Empower Women and Promote Gender Equality”. The webinar was held on Tuesday 26th, 2021 using zoom and through the Atheer Center facility at the University of Jordan. The webinar’s distinguished presenters/speakers included experts from WTO, UNCTAD, OECD , Austrian Federal Deputy Minister for Commerce and Digitalization. From Jordan her excellency Maha Ali Former Jordanian Minister of Industry and Trade and Supply, covered extensively gender gap developments and initiatives of empowering women in Jordan and the region. The webinar was moderated by Professor Taleb Awad Warrad, the WTO-Chair Holder and the coordinator of the Chair Programme at the University of Jordan. Speakers covered important topics including: how to adjust commercial policy to economically empower women, the role of reginal trade agreements and WTO rules in bridging gender gap, exploring the links through which trade affect gender gap, challenges and opportunities to achieve gender equality and how trade affect women differently than men. The webinar was attended by participants from academia, policy makers, and researchers interested in the issue of empowering women and achieving gender equality through trade. The webinar is part of the academic outreach activities supported by WTO. |
| | | 11/25/2021 |
يعلن برنامج كرسي منظمة التجارة العالمية عن تخصيص دعم مالي لافضل اربع اوراق بحثية بقيمة (250 دينار لكل ورقة) مقدمة للمؤتمر الدولي السابع بعنوان: ( التجارة والفجوة الجندرية) الذي ينظمه برنامج كرسي منظمة التجارة العالمية الموطن في كلية الاعمال، والذي سيعقد خلال الفترة 6- 7 / 11/ 2022. على طلبة الدراسات العليا في التخصصات المذكورة اعلان متابعة تفاصيل المؤتمر وتواريخه من خلال موقع المؤتمرالالكتروني التالي:
| | | 4/5/2022 | |
| | | 11/8/2022 | Under the patronage of the University of Jordan President (UJ), Prof. Nathir Obeidat, the activities of the 7th International Conference of the School of Business / WTO Chair kicked off Sunday at the School of Business under the title: "Contemporary Issues in International Trade: A Development Lens" . The two-day conference, is held in cooperation with WTO Chairs of the University of Cairo, the University of Chile, the University of Egypt, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), the University of Mauritius, the University of Oman, the University of Tunis, University of Turkey, and the University of the West Indies. It aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on the recent global developments and its reflections on Economics, Business and finance environments. The conference presents the latest developments in international trade policies and provides a quantification of the effects of trade policies and their impact on inequalities and other economic development indicators. Sessions on the first day of the conference examined papers on Trade and Gender Gap; Trade and Inequality; and WTO, Trade policy and Women. Whereas, the sessions of the second day will explore papers related to International Trade and Women Empowerment; Real shock, Monetary Shocks, and Trade; Trade Related Country’s Studies; and Trade Facilitation and FDI. |
| | | 11/13/2022 |
Closing Speech at the Seventh International Conference: Contemporary Issues in International Trade: A Development Lens 2022
| | | 2/21/2023 | Policy Brief on The Gender Gap in Jordan WCP-The University of Jordan